Welcome to the
Perth Gem and Mineral Show
We are back for the 4th edition of our iconic PGMS !
See you in 11-12-13th October 2024,
Pavillon 6 at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Center !
Get your $5 tickets for this year's show!
Free entry for children under 16!
Friday 11 October 2024 - 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday 12 October 2024 - 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 13 October 2024 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Pavillon 6, Convention Center, Perth CBD
Past editions :

2023: Pegmatites
PGMS 2023 is now over! Thanks to all the visitors, vendors and sponsors that made this another memorable edition in our new venue at the Convention & Exhibition Centre in the CBD.
The all-inclusive event included drinks and dinner followed by the exclusive “Charity Rocks” mineral auction sponsored by Anglogold Asshanti. A silent auction ran throughout the evening. All proceeds raised at auction go to charities and non-profits.
As a result of widespread generosity, Core learning foundation, with Kanyana Wildlife Rescue, in addition to Street Friends WA and -unsurprisingly- the Mineralogical Society of Western Australia will benefit from the over AU$15000 raised in 2023.
Over AU$18,000 were raised in 2022 for charity. We couldn’t quite outdo ourselves this year despite a greater audience than before!
2022: Gold edition
Building up on a successful inaugural edition, the Perth Gem & Mineral Show (PGMS) was held at Curtin Stadium for the second year in a row. Gold was the main theme of the event, with numerous kilograms of shiny nuggets on display. The yellow metal was everywhere, from native specimens in quartz matrix, to polished cabochons, or locked in sulfide-rich ore. Western Australia’s rich golden mineral heritage was shared with a 6000+ walking public, during this busy two and a half days weekend.
2021 Inaugural Show
The inaugural Perth Gem & Mineral Show (PGMS) was held at Curtin Stadium on 17–19 September 2021. It showcased many of the wonders that the mineral, gem and geoscience communities have to offer, with a special focus on Western Australia’s mineral heritage.
Attracting a large contingent of mineral collectors, geologists, jewellers, mining professionals, students, hobbyists and commercial dealers, the event enabled businesses specifically from the mineralogical, geological and geoscience sectors to share their collections and knowledge, and offered vendors and exhibitors a unique exposure across a broad spectrum of industry professionals and the general public.
Hosted at Curtin Stadium, over 3000 visitors crossed our doors during the weekend. No mineralogical event of such a scale had previously been hosted on the West Coast of Australia for well-over three decades!
Definitely the first of a long-lasting series of successful gatherings !
Praise from our patrons
Join 18000 happy visitors who have already enjoyed the experience
Definitely coming back next year!